This is the reason why I suddenly disappeared in the 3 social networking sites I've been maintaining.
Introduction: About a month ago, our family started preparing for Robel and Rose's wedding. When I found out that they were finally pushing through with it, I volunteered to be their photographer. I was set to cover only their prenuptial shoot and their wedding day. I did a lot of preparations, even up to the extent of upgrading and adding to my gears. Now, to those who do not know yet, I have been managing a small digital photo printing shop since November of last year. The couple wanted to have their invitations printed and since they also wanted to help the shop earn, they asked me to do it for them and I happily accepted the task. Then, I sprang an idea for wedding souvenir that I can also make for them: a CD compilation of their favorite songs with a cover label with their picture on it. They liked the idea and also commissioned me to do it. Just when I thought that was the extent of my role in their wedding, my parents also requested me to coordinate the wedding reception for the couple since I mostly handle get-together events for the family. To cut the story short, my responsibility/role in their wedding was bigger than I thought. All these I did, without asking anything in return from the couple. Although they did pay for the shop's output, my services were totally free. My stress level a week before the wedding was even a lot higher than the two lovebirds combined. They were relaxed as relaxed can be. I would jokingly say to them, "It feels like I'm the one getting married!" In the end, the wedding and the reception that followed, turned out pretty much the way the couple wanted it to be, simple but special.
One more request: A week before the wedding, my brother approached me and asked me for one more favor. He asked for advice on where they could go for their "honeymoon." "Since you and your photography friends have gone to a lot of nice places, maybe you can give me resort or hotel names in or around Tagaytay," he reasoned out. And so, in addition to the things that I still had to do for the wedding and reception, I went ahead and made some research. I was supposed to make reservations for them but the stress was too much that I forgot to do it earlier that week. And so, they decided that they will go to Tagaytay the day after their wedding and wing it with the help of the list that I came up with. July 16 came but I wasn't able to print the list and so I told them that I will text them the names and address of the places I had in my list. In the end, after almost getting lost and getting there just as the sun was setting, they went to Balay Indang, Indang, Cavite via Tagaytay route.
The vacation treat: As soon as they got settled and experienced the first few hours of Balay Indang hospitality, they called me on my cellphone. They kept insisting that I drop everything and join them there. Although they asked me to join them even before they left for Tagaytay, I had to decline since I thought that they would only stay for the weekend. I also had to say no since we still had some relatives staying with us and my Dad was expecting visitors from Indonesia. Plus, there was a get-together the day after which was previously planned and I could not get away from it. But when I found out that they were planning to stay longer; and after receiving several persistent phone call invitations, I immediately made plans to join them Monday, July 18, 2011. After making arrangements and giving last minute instructions to my one and only staff at the shop; and after going to the reception venue to pay the balance for the services rendered, I went to Tagaytay via commuter van.

To show their appreciation for all the hard work I did for them on and before their special day, they shouldered almost all of my expenses while I stayed with them as they extended their stay in Balay Indang for two (2) more nights. Details of my Balay Indang experience will be in another blog all together since I cannot sum up everything in just one paragraph.
The pact: As we had our first meal together, I recalled our first out-of-town trip (as a trio) several years ago. I mentioned it to them and suggested that we should do this every year (of course not their treat anymore hehehe!) And so, we made a pact that every year, we would go look for places where we can spend our vacations together. Before I get violent reactions from my sister, brother-in-law and younger brother, let me open the same invitation to you. So, guys, better save up as early as now so we can do this all together next year, okay!?!